The National Assessment and Accreditation Council, New Delhi (NAAC) has made it mandatory that all Higher Educational Institutions should submit an annual Green Audit Report. Moreover, it is part of Corporate Social Responsibility of the Higher Educational Institutions to ensure that they contribute towards the reduction of global warming through carbon footprint reduction measures.

Green Audit is a process of systematic identification, quantification, recording, reporting and analysis of components of environmental diversity of institute. It aims to analyse environmental practices within and outside of the concerned place, which will have an impact on the eco- friendly atmosphere. Green audit is a valuable means for a University / college to determine how and where they are using the most energy or water or other resources; the University / college can then consider how to implement changes and make savings. It can create health consciousness and promote environmental awareness, values and ethics.

Objectives of Green Audit:

In recent years, a Green Audit of a University / college has become increasingly significant for self-assessment, as it represents the organization's participation in addressing current environmental issues. Since its establishment, the University / college has worked to keep our surroundings clean. As a result, the current green audit's goal is to identify, quantify, explain, and prioritise a framework for environmental sustainability that complies with applicable rules, policies, and standards. The major goals of doing a Green Audit are as follows: